Compelling Unresponsive Estate Trustees to Act

Compelling Unresponsive Estate Trustees to Act

An order to accept or refuse appointment under Rule 74.15(1)(a) or (b) of the Rules of Civil Procedure is an under-utilized tool in estate litigation. It allows an interested party to compel the estate trustee, either named in a will or acting as an estate trustee, to seek a certificate of appointment.

Rogue Attorneys Must Account for Their Discretions

It is often the case that a loved one will become incapable of managing their finances and will require someone to step in and act on their behalf. This is where a continuing power of attorney for property can come into play. A continuing power of attorney for property is a document which grants authority to the chosen attorney to manage the assets of the person, referred to as the grantor. It is made while the person is mentally competent and remains effective through incompetency.